Image credits: Joerg Grosse Geldermann

30 Years of e.s.t. – Tribute to Esbjörn Svensson Trio

Dan Berglund - bass / Magnus Öström - drums / Magnus Lindgren - sax / Ulf Wakenius - guitar / Joel Lyssarides - piano / Verneri Pohjola - trumpet

Esbjörn Svensson Trio is one of the most important and influential bands in European jazz. While the trio's success story came to a tragic end with the death of Esbjörn Svensson in 2008, the enthusiasm for e.s.t. has remained unbroken to this day. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the band's founding, e.s.t. bassist Dan Berglund and drummer Magnus Öström fill the trio's music with new life together with friends and companions.



14 04
DE - Stuttgart Theaterhaus Jazztage
30 Years of e.s.t. – Tribute to Esbjörn Svensson Trio | Theaterhaus Stuttgart
12 05
HU - Budapest Jazzfest Budapest
30 Years of e.s.t. – Tribute to Esbjörn Svensson Trio | Erkel-Theater
25 05
LT - Vilnius Festival Vilnius Mama Jazz
30 Years of e.s.t. – Tribute to Esbjörn Svensson Trio | Litauisches Nationaltheater
15 06
DE - Berlin ACT Night
30 Years of e.s.t. – Tribute to Esbjörn Svensson Trio | Kammermusiksaal
16 06
PL - Poznań Enter Enea Festival
30 Years of e.s.t. – Tribute to Esbjörn Svensson Trio | Oaza, by Lake Strzeszynskie
18 07
FI - Pori Pori Jazz Festival
30 Years of e.s.t. – Tribute to Esbjörn Svensson Trio | Pori Jazz Festival
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Patrick Weißenfels

Booking Agent

Lena Werner

Production Manager

Representation: worldwide