Image credits: privat


contemporary duo art

Shuteen Erdenebaatar, p, comp / Nils Kugelmann, contra-alto clarinet, comp

Mongolian-born pianist and composer Shuteen Erdenebaatar and German bassist, multi-instrumentalist and composer Nils Kugelmann both caused a worldwide sensation with their debut albums in 2023. Kugelmann (‘Stormy Beauty’, ACT) and Erdenebaatar (‘Rising Sun’, Motéma) made it into the American ‘Downbeat’, the London ‘Jazzwise’ or the Süddeutsche Zeitung with their musical visions and also won the ‘German Jazz Price’ in 2024.

In their joint project ‘Lightville’, the newcomers now meet as musicians and composers at the same time. Inspired by nature, everyday stories and, of course, love, they take the audience on a journey into their musical worlds. In addition to the double bass, Nils Kugelmann can also be heard here on the extremely rare contra-alto clarinet - ‘sounds as if from another world’ (Biberach Jazz Prize). In 2023, the duo was named ‘Stars of the Year’ in the Abendzeitung newspaper and SWR simply wrote: ‘The best you can hear at the moment’.


Floriane Schroetter

Booking Agent

Wenna Liu

Production Manager

Representation: worldwide